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Catalogue Mobilgam: Catalogue the night and storage 04-2016, page 10 of 78

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* Ariel comò. Si integra perfettamente nello spazio notte
questo comò in frassino tinto Grigio con frontali in ecopelle 9
Castoro, l’impuntura sui bordi enfatizza la naturale bellezza della
materia. / The Ariel chest-of-drawers in Grey stained ash suits this
bedroom beautifully. Its fronts are in 9 beaver-brown eco-leather
with visible stitches along the edges that enhance the natural
beauty of this material. / Cómoda Ariel. Se integra perfectamente
en el espacio de los dormitorios esta cómoda de fresno teñido
en Gris con frentes de ecopiel 9 Castor; la costura en los bordes
potencia la hermosura natural de este material.