aCCEssoRI PER CassEttI E VassoI _ EQuIPMEnt foR DRaWERs anD tRays
DIVIsoRIo IntERno In ECoPEllE PER CassEttI E VassoI
Tappetino con cuciture e divisori in ecopelle per fondo
cassetti e vassoi. Disponibile in tutte le finiture.
ECo lEathER InnER PaRtItIon foR DRaWERs anD tRays
Rug with stitching and eco leather inner partition for
bottom drawers and trays. Available in all finishings.
PoRta oRologI / oRECChInI / anEllI
Gli accesori porta orologi/orecchini/anelli possono essere
inseriti nei cassetti e nei vassoi, anche in presenza del
divisorio interno in ecopelle.
Per proposta accessori pag. 44-45.
CloCKs / EaRRIngs / RIngs hangER
Clocks/earrings/rings hangers can be inserted in the
drawers and trays, even in the presence of eco leather
inner partition.
For equipment options pages 44 and 45.
Cassettiere _ Chest of drawers
aCCEssoRI PER CassEttI E VassoI _ EQuIPMEnt foR DRaWERs anD tRays
DIVIsoRIo IntERno In alluMInIo PER CassEttI E VassoI
In alluminio verniciato canna di fucile per inserimento in
cassetti e vassoi.
aluMInuM InnER PaRtItIon foR DRaWERs anD tRays
In gun metal varnished aluminum for drawers and trays.
taPPEtIno oPZIonalE In ECoPEllE PER CassEttI E VassoI
Tappetino senza cuciture per fondo cassetti o vassoi.
Disponibile in tutte le finiture.
ECo lEathER oPtIonal Rug foR DRaWERs anD tRays
Rug without stitching for bottom drawers and trays.
Available in all finishings.