885 priMoFiore antraCite
885 PriMoFiore antHracite
ElEMEntI In MEtallo _ MEtal ElEMEnts
. Telaio ripiano Frame _ Frame
. Telaio ripiano Ecopelle _ Frame for Eco-leather shelf
. Reggi ripiani _ Shelf supports
. Maniglia Applique _ Applique handle
. Maniglia Cardea _ Cardea handle
. Maniglia Flush _ Flush handle
. Divisorio interno, cassetti e vassoi _ Drawers and trays internal partition
. Elementi Hi-tech: vassoi estraibili, cassetto estraibili, portapantaloni, portabiancheria e portascarpe _
. Hi-tech elements: pull-out trays-drawers, trousers-holder, cloth-case, shoes-rack
. Vassoio dell’elemento svuota tasche e portapantaloni _ Vallet element tray and trousers holder tray
. Battitacco scarpiera _ Hell holder for shoe-rack
. Tubo appendiabiti _ Hanger
. Cerniere normali _ Standard hinges
. Tiretto _ Pull-out rod
. Vaschetta svuotatasche _ Vallet tray
. Elemento giunzione per schienale L.1402 mm _ Backpanels shelf joint W. 1402 mm
ElEMEntI In VEtRo _ glass ElEMEnts
. Vetro ripiano Frame _ Glass shelf frame
. Ripiano vetro Sp.12mm _ Glass shelf Th.12 mm
. Ripiani portacamicie e portaborse _ Shirt and bag holder shelves
. Fondo vassoio estraibile Hi-tech* _ Hi-tech pull-out drawer*
. Fondo cassetto estraibile Hi-tech* _ Hi-tech pull out tray*
. Frontale cassetto estraibile Hi-tech* _ Hi-tech pull-out drawer front panel*
. Frontale cassetto vetro _ Glass front drawer
ElEMEntI In antRaCItE PRIMo fIoRE _ antRaCItE PRIMofIoRE ElEMEnts
. Interno cassetti e vassoi _ Drawer and trays internal part
. Ripiani portacamicie e portaborse _ Shirt and body holder shelves
. Fondo elemento svuotatasche _ Pocket-ray back element
. Fondo cassetto estraibile Hi-tech _ Hi-tech pull-out back drawer
noBiLitati peLLe _ LeatHer MeLaMines
vetri _ gLasses
MetaLLi _ MetaLs
524 Canna di FUCiLe
524 gUn MetaL
v00 natUraLe
V00 natUraL
v05 FUMè
V05 FUMè
* solo vetro V05 fumè _ glass only fumè V05
finitura attrezzatura _ Equipment finishings
CL1 BianCo Latte
cL1 Bianco Latte
CM3 taUpé
cM3 taUPè
CM5 taBaCCo
cM5 taBacco
cM8 caFFè
cL6 BLack
CM4 grigio eLepHant
cM4 grey eLePHant
CM2 Mattone
cM2 Mattone
CL8 Sepia
cL8 sePia
CM7 grigio grapHite
cM7 grey graPHite
ElEMEntI In lEgno _ WooDEn ElEMEnts
. Ripiani e Top _ Shelves and tops
. Strutture cassettiere _ Drawers unit structure
. Strutture Elementi sospesi _ Suspended elem. structure
. Strutture Portabiancheria _ Cloth-case structure
. Frontali cassetti, vassoi, svuotatasche portapantaloni
. e portabiancheria _ Drawers panel front, trays, pocket-
. tray, trouser holderand cloth-case
. Scarpiera _ Shoe-rack trays
. Portacamicie, portaborse _ Shirt-case, bag-case
ElEMEntI In ECoPEllE _ ECo-lEathER ElEMEnts
. Ripiani e top _ Shelves and tops
. Tappetino per ripiani e top _ Shelves and top mats
. Frontali cassetti, vassoi e portabiancheria _ Front drawers
. panel, tray and cloth-bag
. Maniglie Cardea _ Cardea handle
. Fondo opzionale cassetti, vassoi, vassoi estraibili Hi-tech
. e cassetti estraibili Hi-tech _ Optional bottom for
. drawers, trays, high-tech pull-out trays and high-tech
. pull-out drawers
. Fondo opzionabile ondulato cassetti, vassoi, svuotatasche,
. vassoi estraibili Hi-tech e cassetto estraibili Hi-tech _
. Optional bulkhead for drawers, trays, vallet, high-tech pull-
. out trays and high-tech pull-out drawer
. Sacca portabiancheria Hi-tech _ High-tech cloth-holder bag
879 SHantUng di Seta
879 siLk sHantUng
LaCCato opaCo tUtti i CoLori
Matt LacqUered aLL coLoUrs
843 panaMa grey
843 PanaMa grey
noBiLitati teXtUre _ teXtUre MeLaMines
CoLori LaCCati _ LacqUered coLoUrs
841 MetaLLiC CHaMpagne
841 MetaLLic cHaMPagne
noBiLitati MetaLLizzati _ MetaLLic MeLaMines
eCopeLLi _ ecoLeatHers
842 MetaLLiC Bronze
842 MetaLLic Bronze
840 MetaLLiC grapHite
840 MetaLLic graPHite
noBiLitati Legno _ wooden MeLaMines
878 oLMo grey tranCHè
878 oak grey trancHè
866 Cenere
866 cenere
853 taBaCCo
853 toBacco
877 aMBienCe
877 aMBience