MisuraEmme Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue MisuraEmme: Me and my news, page 35 of 74

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Nelle pagine precedenti e nella pagina a fianco:
sistema notte Palo Alto Free, con ante Rex vetro
trasparente, cassettiere sospese nobilitato olmo
tranchè con maniglie cardea e top in ecopelle, ripiani
Frame in vetro trasparente, parti in metallo verniciate
canna di fucile. Comò Eros piano marmo Marquinia,
struttura essenza Rovere Nero, basamento metallo
verniciato bronzo. Pouff Virgin, rivestimento nabuck.
Letto Virgin, rivestimento tessuto.
In the previous pages and on the next page: Palo
Alto Free night system, with transparent glass Rex
doors, suspended chests of drawers finish in melamine
elm tranché with Cardea handles and eco-leather
top, Framed shelves in transparent glass, metal parts
painted gun metal. Chest of drawers Eros marble
top Marquinia, structure Black Oak wood, base metal
painted bronze. Pouff Virgin, Nabuck leather cover.
Virgin bed, fabric upholstery.