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Catalogue MisuraEmme: Me and my beds, page 20 of 87

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Nelle pagine precedenti e a destra: sistema
Boiserie con doppio rivestimento in Essenza
Olmo Grey ed ecopelle, con luci LED integrate.
Sommier Ghiroletto con contenitore rivestito
con pelle scamosciata sfoderabile e rolli rivestiti
in tessuto. Comodini Tao10 Night in finitura
laccato opaco con piano vetro verniciato. Sopra:
poltrona Superhella con struttura in metallo
cromato, braccioli in cuoio nero e rivestimento
in pelle.
In the previous pages and on the right: Boiserie
system with double grey elm and eco-leather
cladding, with integrated Led lights. Ghiroletto
sommier with container covered in removable
suede leather completed with couple of roll
cushions in fabric.
Tao10 Night bed side tables with varnished
glass top. Above: Superhella armchair with
chromed metal base, armrests in black thick
leather and leather cover.

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