20U0253_14_Mistral 2020_24x29_IMPAGINATO_definitivo.indd 248
20U0253_14_Mistral 2020_24x29_IMPAGINATO_definitivo.indd 248
26/02/20 17:09
26/02/20 17:09
Armadio battente con maniglia Gola accostato
a cabina Spot con mensole appendiabiti, porta camicie
e mensole porta maglioni.
Hinged door wardrobe with Gola handle juxtaposed
to Spot walk-in closet with hangers shelves, shirts unit
and sweater unit.
L’accostamento dell’armadio battente
alla cabina Spot suggerisce configurazioni
alternative all’estetica fissa dell’armadio.
The combination of the hinged door wardrobe
with the Spot walk-in closet suggest
alternative configurations to the fixed aesthetics
of the wardrobe.
Letti a terra
comp. 29
20U0253_14_Mistral 2020_24x29_IMPAGINATO_definitivo.indd 249
20U0253_14_Mistral 2020_24x29_IMPAGINATO_definitivo.indd 249
26/02/20 17:09
26/02/20 17:09