Minacciolo by Mandmade Italy Lead time 40 days

Catalogue Minacciolo by Mandmade: Catalog Minanaturalskin, page 49 of 75

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Wall-play è un sistema di pannelli che
si accostano l’uno all’altro e si fissano alla
parete, dove danno vita a una soluzione
che coniuga l’antica boiserie decorativa
con il pannello attrezzato delle cucine
contemporanee. Sui pannelli – disponibili
in diverse finiture – si appendono porta
piatti, mensole e altri supporti
in acciaio, da spostare a piacimento.
Wall-play is a system of panels that join together
and attach to the wall, bringing life to a solution
that combines antique decorative woodwork with
the multi-function panels of contemporary kitchens.
The panels, available in different finishes, hold plate
racks, shelves and other steel supports, movable
as required.
600 mm
600 mm
3 mm
150 mm
minà | natural skin