Milan Iluminacion Spain Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Milan Iluminacion: General Catalogue 2021, page 41 of 162

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A true
of the moon
Taking the ultimate simplicity
of a circle and subtle
movements, the new Half
collection, designed by
Francesc Rifé for Milan
Iluminación, performs new
choreographies of light,
dancing in the air and
rotating on itself. The floor
and table lamp versions are
two elements of the same
sculpture that exist separately
but interact—different steel
structures that hold up the
sphere and thanks to their
features, enable movement.
More information at Work Book.
Diseño Francesc Rifé
Influenciado por el minimalismo
y marcado por una historia
familiar ligada a la artesanía,
ha articulado toda su obra
en torno al orden espacial
y a la proporción geométrica.
Design by Francesc Rifé
Influenced by minimalism and
following a familiar tradition linked
to craftsmanship, his work focuses
on ways of approaching spatial
order and geometric proportion.
REF: 6742(2)+4777
REF: 6742(2)+4766(2)+4768