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Catalogue Midj: Lea Collection, page 11 of 31

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Divano 2 posti - Sofa two seats
Nei momenti dedicati al relax, le linee
pulite e le curve gentili del divanetto Lea
disegnano una forma minimal e al tempo
stesso accogliente. Per mettersi comodi
e assaporare l’attesa nel soft design Midj.
In moments dedicated to relaxation, the clean
lines and gentle curves of the Lea sofa draw
a minimal and at the same time welcoming
shape. To make yourself comfortable and
taste the waiting with the Midj soft design.
Lea DIV M TS acciaio EN, pelle fiore P0S4
+ tessuto fenix wool T3A8
Lea CT-L acciaio EN, ceramica K35
Lampada da terra Ghost
Lea DIV M TS EN steel, P0S4 fiore leather
+ T3A8 fenix wool fabric
Lea CT-L EN steel, K35 ceramic
Ghost floor lamp
Lea DIV M TS acciaio EN, pelle fiore P0S4
+ tessuto fenix wool T3A8
Lea DIV M TS EN steel, P0S4 fiore leather
+ T3A8 fenix wool fabric