Mod. 0700
Sedia in Pelle
Chair, Leather
Dim. 52x54x105 h
Cod. Pdt. CHR (L)
Capotavola in Pelle
Chair with Arms, Leather
Dim. 66x67x107 h
Cod. Pdt. CHR W AMS (L)
Mod. 0801
Tavolo ad 1 Base con 4 Bracci
Table 1 Pedestal with 4 Brackets
Dim. cm 215x115
Cod. Pdt. C-LTN 10
Cod. Fin: C-LTN 11
Lucidatura tinta Noce Scuro con Oro Foglia,
Decorazioni in Chiaroscuro
Polishing in Dark Walnut Color with Gold Leaf,
Decorations in Chiaroscuro Technique