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Catalogue Meridiani: General 2021 Vol 3, page 60 of 129

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TIMOTHY letto . bed
JUDD tavolo basso . low table
BIRK specchio . mirror
• letto tessile imbottito sfoderabile
• fisso per versione in pelle
• struttura in metallo verniciato
• cuscini testiera con struttura in legno
e imbottiture in poliuretano a densità
differenziate, schiuma viscoelastica
e fibre poliestere
• piani letto: solo piani ortopedici

• fasce struttura imbottite in tessuto
o pelle
• piedini metallo colore nero

Timothy kuoio
• fasce struttura in cuoio colore a scelta
• inserti angolari metallo verniciati
ottone bronzato o verniciato acciaio
• piedini in metallo con puntale
disegnato verniciato ottone bronzato
o verniciato acciaio platinato e rivestiti
in cuoio stesso colore struttura
• upholstered bed with removable cover
• fixed cover for leather version
• painted metal frame
• headboard cushions with wooden
frame, padding in polyurethane with
different densities, viscoelastic foam
and polyester fiber
• bed bases: only with orthopaedic

• padded frame bands covered
in fabric or leather
• black colour varnished metal feet

Timothy kuoio
• frame panels in saddle leather -
color as per sample box
• metal corner inserts in varnished
bronzed brass or platinum steel
• metal feet covered in saddle leather
(same color as frame) with tip
in varnished bronzed brass
or platinum steel
• gepolstertes Bett mit abziehbarem
• fester Lederbezug
• Gestell aus lackiertem Metall
• Kopfteilkissen mit Holzgestell
und Polsterung in Polyurethanschaum
unterschiedlicher Dichte mit
viskoelastischem Schaum
und Polyesterfaser
• Unterbett: nur orthopädischer Lattenrost

• gepolsterte Rahmen mit Stoff
oder Leder
• Metallfuß schwar lackiert

Timothy kuoio
• Rahmen aus Kernleder, Farbe
nach Auswahl
• Metalleckeinsätze Messing
oder Platinum Steel lackiert
• Metallfüße mit Spitzen Messing
oder Platinum Steel lackiert und mit
Kernleder (selber Farbe des Gestelles)
• lit textile rembourré déhoussable
• fixes pour version en cuir
• structure en métal verni
• coussins tête de lit avec structure en
bois et rembourrage en polyuréthane
à densités différenciées, avec mousse
viscoélastique et fibre polyester
• bases de lit: seulement base

• bordures de la structure rembourrées
en tissue ou cuir
• pieds en métal verni couleur noir

Timothy kuoio
• bordure de la structure en cuir sellier,
couleur à choix
• détails angulaires en métal verni
couleur laiton bronzé ou platinum steel
• pieds en métal avec embout verni
couleur laiton bronzé ou platinum steel
et revêtis en cuir sellier (même couleur
que la structure)
• cama alcochada desenfundable
• fijo para versión en piel
• estructura en metal barnizado
• cojínes de cabezal con estructura
de madera y rellenos en poliuretano
con densidad diferenciada, espuma
viscoelástica y fibras de poliéster
• bases cama: sólo con bases

• bandas de la estructura acolchadas
en tela o piel
• patas en metal barnizado color negro

Timothy kuoio
• bandas estructura de cuero -
color a elección
• insertos angulares barnizado latòn
bronzeado o platinum steel
• patas en metal con puntera barnizada
latón bronzeado o platinum steel
y revestidas en cuero (mismo color
de la estructura)
Versione traslata in letto dell’omonimo divano, di cui riprende le proporzioni
impeccabili e il gusto per la bellezza che si ritrova anche nei dettagli. Il letto è disponibile
con fasce struttura imbottite in tessuto o pelle e piedini in metallo nero o, nella versione
Timothy Kuoio, con fasce struttura in cuoio di un colore a scelta, inserti angolari in metallo
color ottone e, a proposito di cura estetica dei dettagli, con piedini in metallo con puntale
disegnato in color ottone e rivestiti in cuoio nello stesso colore della struttura.
Translated version of the homonymous sofa into a bed, taking from the sofa
faultless proportions and zest for beauty to be found also in the details. The bed
is available with upholstered sides and footboards in fabric or leather and black
metal feet or, in the Timothy Kuoio version with structural boards in saddle leather,
colour at choice, corner inserts in metal in brass colour; speaking of attention to
details, metal feet are available with tips in brass colour and covered in saddle
leather of the same colour as the frame.
piano ortopedico
orthopaedic base
• timothy - 170 x 230 (materasso - mattress 160 x 200)
• timothy kuoio - 170 x 230 (materasso - mattress 160 x 200)
• timothy - 190 x 230 (materasso - mattress 180 x 200)
• timothy kuoio - 190 x 230 (materasso - mattress 180 x 200)
• timothy - 210 x 230 (materasso - mattress 200 x 200)
• timothy kuoio - 210 x 230 (materasso - mattress 200 x 200)
• timothy king - 203 x 233 . 80” x 92” (materasso - mattress 193 x 203)
• timothy kuoio king - 203 x 233 . 80” x 92” (materasso - mattress 193 x 203)
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