Medea Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Medea: Liberty General, page 78 of 201

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La pendola rintoccò. Era giunta l’ora della
sera. Volle prepararsi all’incontro.
Il pallido e austero marmo di Carrara, dove
poggiò le mani, non raffreddò la folgoran-
te immagine che vide riflessa allo specchio
della consolle laccata.
Ormai riscaldata dall’ambiente familiare,
decise che era pronta.
The pendulum stroke. It was the evening
hour. She wanted to get prepared for the
The pale and austere Carrara marble whe-
re she placed her hands did not extinguish
the brilliant image reflected in the mirror
of the varnished console.
Now warmed up by the familiar atmosphe-
re, she decided she was ready.

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