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Catalogue MDF Italia: Journal 2020, page 4 of 11

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We observe the world so as to create durable products
that greatly impact domestic landscapes, public spaces
and work environments. This year’s collection renewal
features astounding new products: the Random Wood
2C-3C bookcase by Neuland Industriedesign in cana-
letto walnut, the elegant Neil Chair Leather designed by
Jean Marie Massaud with elegant leather coverings,
the 20.Venti Home Light writing desk by 967ARCH, the
dynamic Divide IT screen designed by Pitsou Kedem.
Last but not least, the NVL Table by Atelier Jean Nouvel
Design, also available in a soft red coral hue.
Exciting objects that communicate with their surround-
ings, for a sophisticated yet picturesque vibe available
in several moods.
Guardiamo al mondo per declinare prodotti dal forte
impatto nei paesaggi domestici, negli spazi pubblici e nei
luoghi di lavoro, destinati a perdurare nel tempo. Anche
quest’anno rinnoviamo la nostra collezione con sorpren-
denti nuovi prodotti: la libreria Random Wood 2C e 3C
di Neuland Industriedesign in noce canaletto, l‘elegante
Neil Chair Leather firmata da Jean Marie Massaud con
rivestimento sartoriale in cuoio, lo scrittorio 20.Venti Home
Light di 967ARCH, il dinamico divisorio Divide IT proget-
tato da Pitsou Kedem. Infine, il tavolo NVL Table dell’Atelier
Jean Nouvel Design disponibile anche in una delicata
tonalità rosso corallo. Oggetti emozionali che dialogano
con lo scenario circostante, per un risultato di grande
suggestione e raffinatezza declinato in diversi mood.
20.Venti Home Light, desk

by 967ARCH.

Flow Slim Leather

by Jean Marie Massaud.

Qubit, bookcase by Victor Vasilev.
20.Venti Home Light, desk

by 967ARCH.

Flow Chair Textile

by Jean Marie Massaud.
Novelties collection 2020
mdf italia. stories about
2020+1 Journal