Mariner Spain Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Mariner: Furniture Gallery 2017, page 81 of 97

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Occasional Pieces 161
Occasional Pieces 160
Occasional console
Consola/Console – Ref.: 3209
Altura/Height: 79 cm / 31,10“
Ancho/Width: 140 cm / 55,12”
Profundidad/Depth: 40 cm / 15,75”″
Peso neto/Net weight: 46 kg / 101,32 Lb
Acabado/Finish: PZ.B./AC.B (464/477)
Marco/Mirror – Ref.: 50167
Diámetro /Diameter: 95 cm / 37,40”
Profundidad/Depth: 8 cm / 3,15“″
Peso neto/Net weight: 16 kg / 35,24 Lb
Acabado/Finish: MAK.B (486)
Materiales Consola/Materials Console: Estructura de acero inoxidable y
chapa de nogal / Stainelss steel structure & walnut veneer
Materiales Marco/Materials MIrror: Chapa de makassar y tela efecto piel
/ Makassar veneer & simil leather
Consola/Console – Ref.: 50019
Altura/Height: 78 cm / 30,71“
Ancho/Width: 157 cm / 61,81”″
Profundidad/Depth: 57 cm / 22,44”″
Peso neto/Net weight: 30 kg / 66,08 Lb
Acabado/Finish: MAK.B./L.AB./O.A. (487/231)
Materiales/Materials: Chapa de makassar y lupa de abedul y bronce / Makassar and birch
burl wood veneer & casted bronze
Vendôme console