Mariner Spain Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Mariner: Furniture Gallery 2017, page 5 of 97

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Todo está preparado, un buen traje, la mesa espera con las
mejores galas y esperamos con ansias recibir a unos buenos
amigos, se vislumbra una buena noche. La casa está acogedora
con una luz especial y la brisa que entra por la terraza nos
embauca con aromas primaverales. Nos sentimos a gusto y
satisfechos, formando parte del entorno, es nuestro reflejo y
nosotros nos sentimos orgullosos de formar parte de él.
Gallery Lifestyle
Everything is ready: a good suit and a dining table awaiting the
best galas. We eagerly look forward to welcoming close friends
and we are expecting a great night. Our home feels cosy; there
is a special light and the gentle breeze from the terrace brings
in the scent of spring. We feel at ease and satisfied, we fit in
with the environment; it is a reflection of ourselves and we are
proud to be part of it.