Mariner Spain Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Mariner: Furniture Gallery 2017, page 28 of 97

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Me he puesto elegante y me siento guapa, tengo
un buen plan, he invitado a unos amigos a tomar
café en casa y luego iremos a la opera, disfruto de
este momento en el que voy a compartir mi salón
que guardo para estas ocasiones y lo contemplo con
la misma satisfacción que el día que lo estrenamos,
hoy volveré a disfrutar del momento que pasará a
ser un bonito recuerdo.
I have dressed up smartly and I feel attractive. I have
made great plans; I have invited some friends over
for coffee before we head off to the opera. I rejoice
in this moment, as I am about to share the living
room used on these occasions. I contemplate my
living room and feel the same satisfaction I felt on the
first day.
Today I will enjoy this moment, which will live on as
a pleasant memory.
Gallery Lifestyle