Manerba Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Manerba: Revo 2021 Catalog, page 21 of 28

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Pale Oak Wood
Night Blue
I tavoli tondi in 3 differenti diametri
(100, 120 e 160 cm) offrono soluzioni
per meeting, riunioni informali, aree
break e ristoranti aziendali. Il sottopiano
in legno laccato e la struttura in acciaio
verniciato esaltano la piacevole finitura
in legno Rovere del piano.
Round Revo tables in 3 different diame-
ters (100, 120 and 160 cm) offer
meeting solutions, informal meetings,
break areas and company restaurants.
The lacquered wooden undertop and
the painted steel frame enhance the
pleasant wooden oak finish of the top