Manerba Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Manerba: Revo 2021 Catalog, page 15 of 28

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Sweden Oak Wood
Corten Sablé
Con Revo si lavora bene anche a casa,
nelle nuove realtà del lavoro da remoto.
Le scrivanie Slim (160×80 cm) si
adattano con stile ed ergonomia alle
recenti esigenze dell’home office.
L’accostamento tra il calore confortevole
del piano in legno in Rovere Svezia e
la vivacità del Corten dona luce e ener-
gia agli spazi.
Revo allows you to work well also at
home, in the new dimensions of remote
working. Slim desks (160×80 cm)
adapt with style and ergonomics to the
recent needs of home office. The combi-
nation of the warm colour in Swedish
Oak of the table top and the brightness
of Corten sablé finish gives light and
energy to the spaces.