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Catalogue Manerba: K-Word Catalog, page 11 of 23

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Il sistema k–word garantisce un ideale comfort acustico anche nelle configurazioni più intensive, come ad esempio
i call center, grazie all’utilizzo di appositi pannelli fonoassorbenti in tessuto applicati sulle paretine divisorie e sugli
schienali dei contenitori.
The k–word system guarantees the ideal acoustic comfort also in the most intensive configurations, such as call
centres, thanks to soundproof fabric panels fitted to the partition walls and the cabinets’ backrests.
piano scrivania e fascia d’accento sabbia R16;
struttura scrivania nero A6; contenitore nero R18;
pannello fonoassorbente core tonic CT02.
desk top and accent strip sand R16; desk frame
black A6; cupboard black R18; soundproof panel
core tonic CT02.