Dati tecnici Technical data
Hinoki system has also freestanding solutions, placed on the desk
or raised panels in compact polycarbonate to be set on existing
screens in order to increase the safety shielding.
Il sistema Hinoki prevede anche soluzioni freestanding, in appog-
gio su scrivania, oppure pannelli sopraelevati in policarbonato
compatto, da montare su screen esistenti per aumentare la scher-
matura di sicurezza
Screen per scrivania
Desk screens
Divisori autoportanti
Self-supporting partitions
* Formato valido solo per
pannelli in sughero
Only for cork panels
** Formato non valido per
pannelli in sughero
Not valid for cork panels
su piedini
on feet
F02 L80xH140
F03 L100xH140*
F04 L120xH140**
su piedini
on feet
F12 L80xH180
F13 L100xH180*
F14 L120xH180**
su ruote
on castors
R02 L80xH145
R03 L100xH145*
R04 L120xH145**
su ruote
on castors
R12 L80xH185
R13 L100xH185*
R14 L120xH185**
F22 L120xH35
F24 L140xH35
F26 L160xH35
F28 L180xH35
F42 L120xH70
F44 L140xH70
F46 L160xH70
F48 L180xH70
Screen freestanding
Freestanding screens
F62 L120xH40
F64 L140xH40
F66 L160xH40
F68 L180xH40
F72 L120xH75
F74 L140xH75
F76 L160xH75
F78 L180xH75
Screen sopraelevati
Raised screens
F52 L120xH40
F54 L140xH40
F56 L160xH40
F58 L180xH40