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Catalogue Manerba: Diary 2023, page 9 of 27

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product: Luce
designer: Paolo Pampanoni
category: Space Partitions
ITA — Luce evolve il concetto di parete monovetro con la
funzione di elemento divisorio ad elevato abbattimen-
to acustico ed elemento attrezzabile su cui inserire
accessori funzionali per l’operatività quotidiana. Tutti
i componenti, realizzati con materiali riciclati e rici-
clabili, consentono ampie funzionalità, aggiornamento
e riconfigurabilità delle parti, che allungano la vita del
ENG — Luce is the evolution of the concept of a wall with single-pane glass
acting as a partition, significantly reducing the noise level and capable
of being fitted with fully functional accessories for day-to-day living and
working. All components are made of recycled and recyclable materials.
They provide excellent practicality, can be updated and the parts reconfig-
ured, lengthening the working life of the product.
Parete accessoriata con pannelli
fonoassorbenti in tessuto
Wall equipped with sound-
absorbing fabric panels
Parete vetrata Luce con
Luce glass wall with