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Catalogue Manerba: Diary 2023, page 8 of 27

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product: Amis
designer: Busetti Garuti Redaelli
category: Social & Work tables
Tavolo meeting con screen rivestito
in tessuto e sedie Easychair
Meeting table with screen covered
with fabric and Easychairs
Tavolo tondo con piano in legno
Round table with melamine wood
ITA — Amis, disegnato da Busetti Garuti Redael-
li, è un sistema di tavoli versatile e configu-
rabile che, tramite materiali certificati FSC (il
calore e l’accoglienza del legno massello) e le
sue forme morbide, contribuisce a dar vita a
una varietà di soluzioni progettuali, non for-
mali, per isolarsi o collaborare, consolidare o
condividere conoscenza.
ENG — Amis, designed by Busetti Garuti Redaelli, is a versatile
and modular system of tables which, through FSC certified ma-
terials (the warmth and the welcome of the solid wood) and its
soft lines, contribute to the creation of various planning infor-
mal solutions. These solutions are useful to isolate themselves,
cooperate or share knowledge.