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Catalogue Manerba: Diary 2023, page 20 of 27

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product: Bibiena
category: Acoustic experience
ITA — La cabina Bibiena asseconda l’esigenza
di un’isola silenziosa, dove raccogliere le idee,
telefonare o incontrarsi. L’oasi di pace Manerba
è curata nei dettagli, nei colori, negli accosta-
menti materici.
Isolamento acustico UNI EN ISO 11957: 32 dB.
Privacy acustica ISO 23351-1:2020: 29,3 dB.
ENG — Bibiena phone booth satisfies the need for a silent island,
where you can gather ideas, make a phone call or meet.
Manerba’s oasis of peace is accurate in the details, colours,
Sound insulation performance UNI EN ISO 11957: 32 dB.
Acustic privacy ISO 23351-1:2020: 29,3 dB.
Box acustico 2 posti con pareti
interne in legno fonoassorbente
2-place acoustic booth with internal
walls in sound absorbing wood
Cabina versione “luxury” rivestita
in tessuto fonoassorbente
“Luxury” version acoustic booth cov-
ered with sound absorbing fabric
Box acustico monoposto con
predisposizione portamonitor
One place acoustic booth with
set-up for monitor holder