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Catalogue Manerba: Diary 2023, page 16 of 27

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product: Easy chair
designer: Federica Biasi
category: Coffee chairs
ITA — Easy chair è una sedia “facile”,
certificata FSC, nata per adeguar-
si alle esigenze di spazi in continua
trasformazione. Il telaio in metallo
si presenta in due nuances contrap-
poste: nero opaco e grigio chiaro,
predisposte ad accogliere molteplici
sfumature di tessuti e colorazioni.
ENG — Easy chair is a chair which is “easy”, FSC
certified and created in order to be adapted to the
needs of ever-changing spaces. The metal frame-
work has two opposite nuances: black matte and
light grey ready to accommodate several shades
of fabrics and colours.
Easy Chair con schienale in
Easy Chair with
wood backrest
Sedie Easychair con schienale
imbottito ed in legno
Easychair with upholstered
and wooden backrest