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Catalogue Magis: Substance Catalogue, page 2 of 13

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With his designs devoted to simplicity
and sublime beauty, Fukasawa has
de- signed for a wide range of leading
brands worldwide in Italy, Germany,
America, Switzerland, Spain, China,
Korea, Thai- land, Taiwan, Singapore,
France, Por- tugal, Sweden and Fin-
land, as well as consulting and working
with Japanese major corporations. His
designs span a wide variety of fields,
from precision elec- tronic equipment
to furniture and interior settings.
He has received numerous national
and international design awards.
His wall-mounted CD player for MUJI,
humidifier for ±0 and the mobile pho-
nes INFOBAR and neon for au/KDDI
are all part of New York’s Museum
of Modern Art’s (MoMA) permanent
collection. In 2007, he was accorded
the title of Hon- orable Royal Designer
for Industry (Royal Society of Arts),
UK. MUJI’s wall-mount- ed CD player
is also part of the Victoria and Albert
Museum’s permanent collec-
tion, while his HIROSHIMA armchair
for MARUNI is part of Designmusuem
Dan- mark’s permanent collection.
Fukasawa is one of the directors of
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT. He also sits
on the design advisory board of MUJI,
and is the art director of MARUNI. In
2017, he became a member of the
judging com- mittee for the LOEWE
Craft Prize. He is a professor in the In-
tegrated Design de- partment at Tama
Art University. In 2006, he established
“Super Normal” with Jas- per Mor-
rison. He has been acted as the 5th
curator of The Japan Folk Crafts Mu-
seum since 2012.
Fukasawa has co-authored The Out-
line – The Unseen Outline of Things
(Hachette Fujingaho) with photo-
grapher Tamotsu Fujii and released
NAOTO FU- KASAWA (Phaidon Press).
In Spring 2018, He released his Se-
cond book with Phaidon press, Naoto
Fukasawa Em- bodiment.