Physical wellness effects generated by illumination
Positive sensations
Reduces tension
How light affects us
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Human Central Lighting; The right light at the right time
Human Central Lighting
Light is not only used for visual orientation, but due to the wave lengths, it can
also have an influence on physiological processes such as concentration
capacity, efficiency, sleep-wake cycle or wellness.
HCL (Human Centric Lighting) is the type of lighting focused on individuals
and designed to make us feel better at all times.
Light in general has a very high emotional effect in many ways. It can be
useful to boost sales, for communication and personal relationships, etc. It
can create a sumptuous light effect in luxury shops and also a more simple
light concept in low cost shops. In both cases, light creates a space full of
emotions, but with different results: positive emotions are generated, like the
sensation of something being exclusive and original and at the same time
creating an attractive light ambience in order to obtain the best product at
the best price.
Human Centric Lighting has 3 aspects which are closely related: the
emotional, the visual and non visual. Although we cannot consider them
separately, we can give priority to one of them.
Using it correctly, HCL is adapted to all user’s needs and there are many
ways of going about it. Light which, for example, has a visual effect, attracts
attention and can also be very emotional, meaning that when we plan a
project it is extremely necessary to have full knowledge of HCL.
We offer more than 100 profiles to choose from, and you only have to
indicate the required length for the luminaire and we will take care of the
programming needed, according to the desired effect.