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Catalogue Lualdi: Doors Systems 2019, page 64 of 157

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Doors | Systems
Rasovetro 55s
Rasovetro nasce da Rasomuro e della famiglia
ha tutte le caratteristiche, come le cerniere
a scomparsa e lo stipite in alluminio.
Esteticamente, invece, sviluppa la propria originalità
grazie al vetro, materiale pulito per eccellenza,
e alle sue prerogative uniche: trasparenza,
luminosità, leggerezza.
Rasovetro derives from Rasomuro and shares
all its characteristics, such as the concealed hinges
and the aluminium jamb. However, it demonstrates
its own aesthetic originality thanks to the glass,
the purest of materials, and its unique features
of transparency, luminosity and lightness.
Rasomuro 55 System
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