Munkegaard appears as a glass disc hovering just below the ceiling, an image mainly created by the illuminated slot. The quality of the layered glass ensures an evenly lit surface, providing spaces with soft and diffused lighting.
Finish: High lustre chrome plated. White opal glass.
Material: Diffuser: White opal glass. Trim ring: High lustre chrome plated, brass.
Mounting: Ceiling thickness: Ø 265mm: 1-50mm, Ø 460mm/Ø 525mm: 1-55mm. Ceiling Cut-Out: Ø 265: 245mm, Ø 460: 440mm and Ø 535: 505mm. Terminal block: 1x5x2.5mm². Looping: Approved, max. 5x1,5mm² (Ø 265mm: Not approved for looping).
Weight: Max. 7kg.
Class: Ingress protection IP20. Electric shock protection I w. ground. F-mark: Yes.
Info notes: Emergency light possible for 3H, with or without autotest. For Ø 265 only with 1x32W. For Ø 460 + Ø 525 only with 22+40W. For further emergency versions, please contact the sales office.
Designer: Arne Jacobsen