Loro Piana interiorS
Plaid e cuscini Throws and cushions
1 Cuscino Pecora Nera ® Plus
2 Plaid Baby Cashmere suède
3 Plaid Unito
4 Plaid Pecora Nera ® Plus
5 Plaid Bamboo
6 Plaid Summer
Plaid e cuscini
Throws and cushions
Gli elementi di colore e morbidezza per completare il decoro si arricchiscono
di nuove proposte di stagione in stagione. Plaid, coperte e cuscini sono in cashmere,
Baby Cashmere, lana finissima, usati in purezza o in blend tra di loro e con la seta
per ottenere varie leggerezze e assecondare lavorazioni che spaziano dai telai a mano,
al double, allo jacquard. Dimensioni diverse assicurano versatilità.
Our accessories are all about adding elements of colour and softness to complement
decor schemes, with new products joining the collection every season.
Our throws, blankets and cushions are in cashmere, Baby Cahsmere and super-fine
wool, used pure or blended, with the addition of silk for a lighter touch.
These finely crafted fabrics are produced using a range of different techniques,
including handloom weaving, our double construction technique and jacquard looms.
Available in a selection of different sizes for versatility.