Art. One15 | Consola One | One Console
Esta consola de la serie One es perfecta para darte la
bienvenida con estilo y distinción. Sin sobrecargar el
ambiente gracias a una única pata, parece un ejercicio
de funambulismo en precario equilibrio. Y sin embargo,
se mantiene sólida e impertérrita ante las miradas furti-
vas y desconfiadas, sabedora de su robusto talante.
This One series console is perfect for welcoming you
with style and distinction. Without overloading the envi-
ronment thanks to a single leg, it seems like an exercise
in tightrope walking precariously balanced. And yet, it
remains solid and undaunted by furtive and distrustful
glances, aware of its robust demeanor.
This One series console is perfect for welcoming you
with style and distinction. Without overloading the envi-
ronment thanks to a single leg, it seems like an exercise
in tightrope walking precariously balanced. And yet, it
remains solid and undaunted by furtive and distrustful
glances, aware of its robust demeanor.