Lola Glamour Spain Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Lola Glamour: Arty 2023, page 82 of 137

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Homenaje al Mid-Century con
el sello Lola Glamour. Patas la-
terales exentas en nogal euro-
peo macizo que abrazan cajas
limpias con frentes de cajones
y puertas alistonadas. Incor-
poramos nuevos colores sin
pátina que van del rosa fumé
al azul océano, pasando por la
gama de los grises y topos.
Tribute to the Mid-Century
with the Lola Glamor label.
Free-standing side legs in
solid European walnut that
embrace clean boxes with
drawer fronts and slatted
doors. We incorporate new
colors without patina that go
from smoked pink to ocean
blue, passing through the
range of grays and taupes.
Art. 23231.1
Aparador Matilda
Matilda sideboard