Standard range for hotel solutions
Ever thought about combining?
What makes Lithoss unique, are the almost limit-
less possibilities in the area of functionality, finish,
combination options and personalisation.
Switches, sockets, USB chargers, sensors and
thermostats, whether or not connected to the
most advanced domotics systems: Lithoss offers a
wide range of applications.
Just think of, for instance, a panel you can install
at the head of the bed.
Standard range for hotel solutions
Printing or
Engraving Symbols
To personalize our switches, text (in the language of your choice) or symbols can be printed or engraved on the
button and/or coverplate. These symbols can be printed via a special silk-screen process. The colour of the print
depends on the chosen finish, for example a silver symbol on a gunpowder black coverplate. A true added value to
our products is laser engraving so you don’t only see the strength and quality of our products, you also feel them.
By choosing the correct laser setting you can burn the surface locally in order to obtain a discrete black symbol
or laser deeper to make the symbol appear in the base material. Other symbols can be printed or engraved when
quality images are supplied.
Lithoss is also a member of KNX.