LIGHT-POINT Denmark Lead time 60 days

Catalogue LIGHT-POINT: Master Collection 2020, page 28 of 240

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Nital Patel, Head of Design LIGHT-POINT
Nital is a uniquely experienced creative
professional, who has been working with high-
end, design-led brands for many years.
An industrial designer, trained in the UK,
Nital’s creative acumen has been heavily informed
by a Scandinavian design approach, honed whilst
working for an award-winning luxury goods
manufacturer JACOB JENSEN, based in Denmark.
This approach puts a sense of context, aesthetics
and materiality at the centre of the creative
vision and is underpinned by a strong commercial
awareness. Regardless of a brand’s country of
origin, Nital can recognise a brand’s strengths
and where these could be positioned to achieve
strong brand awareness, increased revenue and
competitive advantage.