LIGHT-POINT Denmark Lead time 60 days

Catalogue LIGHT-POINT: Final 2020-2021, page 18 of 256

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Lars Vejen, Architect and designer
My professional passion is very simple; I love finding and
shaping the good idea!
Enjoy seeing it realized in collaboration with talented peo-
ple within their separate fields of handcraft, engineering,
marketing, sales, logistics. Design thinking when it is best
and works in full understanding and acknowledgement of
the value of all people involved in a product development.
I use my background as an architect to extract the essence
of a need. To see a potential in the context of a space,
in architecture and in the people without whom none of it
would make much sense. Great inspiration is, for me, found
simply by living life! Seeing the way human, things, shapes,
nature, structures and elements interacts.
Knowledge gathered from years of experience with a
wide range of very different professional partners gives
me valuable insight and cross-references to enhance my
creativity. It is always the same great pleasure finding the
right solution. Finding the balance.