Lago Italy Lead time 80 days

Catalogue Lago: Elements Vol.1, page 6 of 313

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2001 Net Storage – Selected by IDot
2002 Statica Bookshelf – Selected by Biennale
2008 36e8 Kitchen
Winner of Good Design Award
2009 Huggy Armchair
Winner of Good Design Award
2009 LagoLinea Shelf– Winner of Good
Design Award
2009 Olga
Premio ICT Smau Innovazione
2010 Air Sofa
Winner of Good Design Award
2011 Et Voilà
Winner of Good Design Award
2014 Joynt Chair
Compasso d’Oro ADI Honorable Mention
2014 Premio ICT Smau Innovazione
2016 Air Kitchen - Best Product/Kitchen Section
Salone del Mobile.Milano Award 2016
2016 LAGO Interior Life Network
Selected by ADI Design Index 2016
2016 Air Kitchen
Winner of Good Design Award
2017 Air Kitchen
Winner of ADI Design Index 2017
2017 Never Stop Designing Spaces
Winner of ADI Design Index 2017
2017 Talking Furniture
Premio Innovazione Smau
2017 LAGO Design Network
Premio Nazionale per l’Innovazione nei Servizi 2017
2017 Vertigo Table
Winner of Good Design Award
2018 LAGO Welcome Cocoon Maldives
World Luxury Restaurants Awards
2017 LAGO Welcome Cocoon Maldives
South Asian Travel Awards
2017 Lift Chair
Winner of Good Design Award
2018 Premio ICT Smau Innovazione
2018 Air Kitchen
Compasso d’Oro ADI Honorable Mention
L’innovazione come
cultura · Innovation
as culture.
IT La visione a lungo termine di LAGO è guidata dalla ricerca continua di
idee originali su cui costruire modelli di business, processi produttivi, prodotti
innovativi e rilevanti, introducendo rivoluzioni e salti evolutivi per il settore
che ci vedono precursori autentici e custodi di una qualità non replicabile. Un
valore prezioso che tuteliamo con brevetti, marchi, disegni e modelli registrati
e che ha portato al riconoscimento di numerosi premi. – EN LAGO’s long-
term vision is guided by a constant search for original ideas for developing
innovative, relevant business models, production processes and products
starting revolutions and making industrial leaps forward in which we are
true forerunners and the custodians of inimitable quality. A precious value
that we protect with patents, trademarks and registered designs and
models and for which we have won countless awards.