kreon objects
novelties 2019
kreon has been known as a designer of architectural
lighting since it was founded in 1983. Enlightenment
that increases the value of its environment and adds
value to it, from inside the architecture. The luminaire
is only a detail, and will not claim attention itself, but
will let the architecture come into its own. Reducing
illumination to its essence, without compromises,
kreon is known for that. Products are simple and
minimalist forms that enter into a dialogue with the
Today, kreon takes a different approach, without
losing sight of the 3 basic principles, ‘unity in design,
simplicity in technology and precision in detail’. The
lighting enters the room, and forms part of it itself.
The kreon objects bring a decorative ingredient to
the kreon portfolio. This range of luminaires exploit
artisan materials such as blown glass, alabaster and
cast bronze within pure and precise forms.