kreon NV
Industrieweg Noord 1152
BE-3660 Oudsbergen
T +32 89 81 97 80
General terms and conditions
kreon nv ’s general terms and conditions apply.
These can be accessed on
General information
− Even though kreon takes all the necessary care to
ensure the correctness of the published information,
it accepts no liability for the correctness and
completeness of the contents thereof.
− Images of products are by way of example only and
may deviate from the original.
− We reserve the right to make changes in dimension
and construction.
− The name kreon, all products shown as well as all
photographs are protected by law and must not be
used commercially without written permission by
kreon NV, Oudsbergen, Belgium. Copying and
reproducing this publication or parts of it is only
allowed with written permission by kreon NV.
The general terms and conditions of kreon NV
apply for all orders.
Graphic design
kreon & Catapult (
Coordination Catalogue
Arne Jennard: pages 10, 12, 13, 16, 42, 44, 45
Serge Brison: pages 14, 17, 26, 29, 37, 51, 52, 53
Zoran Bodrozic: pages 33, 34, 35
Antilope De Bie Printing
Munken Lynx
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� kreonlighting
belux is committed to providing optimal
solutions for complex lighting requirements
both in the contract sector and in private
residential environments. For this purpose,
belux develops, produces and markets
innovative lighting instruments that are
distinguished by modern, energy-efficient
lighting technology, functional design, high-
quality materials and meticulous fabrica-tion.
belux regards lighting as a key element of
interior design, which must therefore fulfil the
highest functional and aesthetic demands.
Product culture
Lighting instruments by belux stand for
long-lasting quality, guaranteed by a superior
product culture on every level. belux lighting
fixtures are manufactured with a passionate
attention to detail. This is evident in the
selection of premium materials as well as
the extraordinary care that goes into the
actual production process, which involves a
comparatively high degree of precise hand
craftsmanship. The belux product range
consists primarily of standard pro-duction
models. Customised products can be made to
order if required, especially for projects in the
contract sector.
belux maintains lasting business relationships
with upmarket retailers and suppliers. As one
of its many services, the company provides
professional planning advice for specific
lighting needs to both lighting experts and
quality-conscious end customers.
Lighting products by belux are developed in
close collaboration with external designers,
whose conceptual and creative ideas are
merged with the company’s expertise in
lighting technology and manufacturing
know-how. The starting point for research
and development is usually a functional
need or technical innovation. The aim is
to achieve surprising lighting solutions
that are convincing not only with regard
to their functional qualities and technical
sophistication, but also due to their attractive
shaping light