We are the same Kartell as always, but with plenty
of brand-new ideas, plus the desire and enthusiasm
to carry on innovating as we have in the past,
and the courage to add value to our brand though
value that inspires our development, and the essence
that drives our team of top designers to come up with
ideas that are both stylish and practical.
New ideas realised by technologies that permit us to
expand our frontiers, and sound ideas based on an
ethical and human approach to business.
We are the same Kartell that introduced transparency, but
is now engaged in a medium-term process of converting
many products from traditional polycarbonate to a new
green material. We are the people behind 3D curved
wood – rigorously FSCTM������������������������������
the Masters chair and Componibili, two best sellers
now made from recycled material and complemented by
innovative collections of tables, lamps, upholstered
seating and even outdoor furniture that make up a
complete range of mixable, customisable products.
We are the Kartell that was formed back in 1949,
well-known and well-loved for our ennobling use of
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years we have accelerated the process of converting
to more sustainable materials, and have set 2030 as
the date by which all our products that can be made
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greater sustainability, we are looking not only at
our products and materials but at every factor that
makes a company virtuous. For us, this means remaining
setting new targets but maintaining our commitments.
compromising our commitment to beauty.
This in turn means mixing materials, enriching our
catalogue with new products, and having the courage to
abandon articles that no longer conform to our sense
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that combine new designs with established icons to
help stores convey an image and a design concept that
goes beyond the single product while recognising its
intrinsic value, whether it be a chair, a table or a
We are the same Kartell as always, because we are
opening new stores just as we did in the early 1990s,
and designing high-impact layouts to entice customers
inside. We are present in all direct and indirect online
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continue to believe in it in our own way.
We are also the Kartell that draws on positive past
experiences to look to the future, the Kartell that
seeks new ways to communicate, to dialogue with
customers and end users, and to give our partners more
effective tools for business and for reaching out.