More than just a passing fad,
sustainability is a continu-
ously evolving concept for us.
Much of what we have done so
far and of what we shall do
in future is and must continue
to be sustainable. Working
towards the year 2030 as our
target, we are gradually, year
by year, must achieve results
compatible with the availabil-
ity of materials and use tech-
nologies that allow them to be
achieved. There is no other
way. Our commitment to sus-
tainability is the result of a
thorough analysis of available
resources and the time left for
us to use them. Our compliance
the design phase of every new
centrating all the ideas that
make up the Kartell philosophy
into a single project aimed at
promoting sustainability. And
we are starting with the mate-
rials we use. We now use recy-
cled material derived from pure
industrial waste to ensure a
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shapes in a special industrial
process that uses only the bare
minimum of raw material, bio
materials derived from agricul-
tural waste and the new, trans-
parent, green polycarbonate 2.0
derived from paper and cellu-
lose waste. Kartell sustain-
ability is also embodied in
meaningful attention to previ-
ously overlooked details with
a view to achieving, by 2030,
all the UN Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals relevant to us
as a company. We have started
with daily actions like elimi-
nating single-use plastic and
recycling plastics to produce
articles like carpets, which
we already make using yarn de-
rived from plastic bottles. We
also carefully manage the large
green park that surrounds our
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emissions. Even the packaging
that protects our products con-
tains recycled and recyclable
supply chain. We want to be a
model for the Circular Economy.