SUN-RA BIRD table lamp
Design: Nanda Vigo
Production: JCP Universe, 2018
“Horizon below
The bird and eternity
Both give you new life”
Haiku by Alistair Gentry
With their hybrid identity between art and design, the Sun-Ra lamps highlight the synthesis
of Nanda Vigo’s career: the search for the interference between space and light - where the
project stops being only an object and becomes an artwork. Simple lines in the space find their
configuration thanks to a segment of light. Trait d’union, both concrete and conceptual, light
becomes the joint element of the whole composition and declares at the same time the fun-
ction of the object itself. Sun-Ra lamps are produced in 33 limited edition pieces.
Materials: table lamp with metal structure made of square tubular elements in chrome finish.
Warm white and blue strip LED in the transverse segments with opal diffusers.
Dimensions (W x D x H): 60cm x 40cm x 80cm