NEKOMAT - EA frame
Design: rlon
Production: JCP Universe, 2022
“The impossible
Could be a coincidence
Or did you bring it”
Haiku by Alistair Gentry
Nekomat is an artifact inspired by the concept of synchronicity, a term coined by Carl Jung to
denote events that occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.
It is true that there is no causality, or is the relationship just too complex for our minds to
understand? If synchronicity would have a body, how would it look like? Nekomat is a possible
visualization of this concept, materialised in a three-dimensional frame that hallows to honour a
mystic connection between two pictures.
Materials: wooden frame varnished matt black with silver pigmentation. Natural anti-reflection
protective glass.
Dimensions (W x D x H): 59cm x 7cm x 70cm