JAB Furniture Germany Lead time 60 days

Catalogue JAB Furniture: Furniture inspiration, page 6 of 15

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QualIty maDe IN GermaNy
Echte Qualität kennt keine Kompromisse. Darum wird
jedes INSPIRATION Element von Meistern ihres Fachs
sorgfältig von Hand gefertigt. So entstehen hochwer-
tige und nachhaltige Sitzmöbel, die jede Beanspru-
chung locker wegstecken.
Real quality knows no compromise. That is why mas-
ters of their trade carefully finish each INSPIRATION
element by hand. This is how high quality and sustain-
able seating furniture is created, which easily meets
any demand.
PAGE 10 / 11
Armlehne Typ 8 / Armrest type 8
Sockelrahmen / Base frame