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Catalogue iGuzzini: Linealuce Mini 27R Brochure, page 21 of 24

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- 51,6 %
- 20.871 Kg
We have calculated the energy impact of lighting for a
facade equipped with Linealuce fluorescent and Linealuce
Mini 27R. With the same luminaires, Linealuce Mini 27R
achieves an energy saving of 51.6%. In addition, by
employing control systems, further energy savings would
be obtained by dosing light only when needed. The longer
life of LEDs also has an impact on maintenance costs and
consequently helps save money.
Moreover, the miniaturization of Linealuce mini 27R has
achieved a significant reduction in the amount of material
used, with lower consumption of resources as well as a
reduction in weight and, consequently, transport. Lastly,
Linealuce Mini 27R is designed to be very durable with
extremely reliable in performance - all of which ensures
less environmental impact and more sustainable projects.
Replacing Linealuce on a 43m x 13.5m facade
no. 24 Linealuce mini 27R l = 500mm + no. 43
Linealuce mini 27R l = 1000mm
24 Linealuce T5 (with lamp T16 14 W)
43 Linealuce T5 (with lamp T16 21 W)
Total years: 15
Operating period:
3,800 h per year
* source AIB (2020), Italy emission factors Market-
Based (Worldfavor)
** source: 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC
Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas
equivalent trees**
emissions avoided*