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Catalogue iGuzzini: Blade-R Safety & Videocamera, page 8 of 30

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Blade R
Safety +
Video camera
The project to integrate Blade R with a video camera
came about thanks to collaboration between AXIS* and
iGuzzini, two leading companies in innovation at the
service of architecture. Integrating two important
functional items offers designers much more than the
mere sum of the two. First and foremost, it provides
architects with a formal solution to create harmony and
purity in ceilings, simplifies activities and rationalises
design by encouraging dialogue between architects,
engineers and systems integrators. It also simplifies
installation with advantages in terms of times and costs.
Lastly, it offers end customers an innovative integrated
solution with additional services that go beyond light
and safety.
The integrated Blade R + video camera solution has
been tested in relation to reference standards in order to
ensure performance and reliability over time.
All in One.