Madia .107
Design: Silvia Prevedello
Madia 4 ante
Scocca in finitura laccata Giada
e frontali in Felce Verde.
Piedino Farfalla in ferro
L 200 H 77 Pr 50
4 door Sideboard
Structure in lacquered finish Giada,
fronts: Felce Verde.
Iron “Butterfly” leg
L 200 H 77 Pr 50
Sedia Gioia
Sedia rivestita in pelle
decorata Jungle
Gambe in legno massello
Leather upholstered Chair
in “Jungle” pattern
Solid wood legs
Serie di pensili
diverse misure e forme.
Struttura in ferra trattato e
schienale in legno decorato
Hanging elements
In several sizes and shapes
Iron structure
and decorated back panel
Icons Collection
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Serie di pensili
diverse misure e forme.
Struttura in ferra trattato e
schienale in legno decorato
Hanging elements
In several sizes and shapes
Iron structure
and decorated back panel
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