• If you have a Viva Interiors account, please sign in using your email address and password. You will be taken directly to the first Offers tab.
• If you don’t have a Viva Interiors account or if this is your first time shopping with us, you can choose to create an account . Creating an account will let you check out faster with saved billing and shipping information, review your order history and tracking, and save items to Wish Lists and register “Projects” for extra discounts. You can also send your order to our email.
Enter shipping information. Enter the name, address and phone for where you would like your order shipped.
Enter your billing name, address and phone number as it appears on your credit card statement. Your payment will not be accepted without the correct billing address and telephone number. Your billing information will be indicated on the proforma-invoice to pay for your order.
Here you'll find a summary of the items you are ordering, as well as the shipping and billing addresses for the order. Verify the information is correct and click "Submit Order." After you place your order we will send you a proforma-invoice via email within two business days. You can make a wire transfer payment.
Once you have paid to, the freight item(s) on your order will be processed. You will be able to keep track of information on the status of your items. When your items ship, you will also receive a shipping confirmation email with that information. If there are multiple items in your order, they may be shipped separately and could arrive on different days. You will receive a shipping confirmation for each separate shipment, if applicable.
Once your order has been placed, it cannot be changed or canceled online. If you wish to change or cancel an order that has already been submitted, contact our customer service team to make this request, and we will make our best effort to do so. Please note that it might not be possible to cancel or change an order that is already in process.
Many items that are non-returnable may not be cancelled. These products are identified on the product page and on your order confirmation. If you are unsure, our customer service will work with you to clarify your options for your order.
If you've made a cancellation request, you will be sent an email confirmation; please note that these requests may take several days to process. If your order ships before you receive an email confirmation for the cancelation request, you will be asked to submit a return authorization request after the item is received. A refund will be issued following the standard return process. Any changes to your submitted order typically follow the same procedure, with the same stipulations that are outlined above.
Please contact Customer Service if you have any questions.