HouseDesign rigorosamente made in italy
Appendiabito Robe hook
992505 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 4x6,5x10 cm
Porta bicchiere e dispenser Tumbler and soap
dispenser holder
992518 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 20x18,5x12 cm
Porta scopino sospeso
Wall-mounting toilet brush
992010 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 8x48x8,5 cm
Porta scopino a pavimento
Free-standing toilet brush
992008 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 8x48x8 cm
Porta salvietta Towel rail
cromo chrome
992507 cm 20
Misure Dimensions 22x4x7 cm
992508 cm 30
Misure Dimensions 31,5x4x7 cm
992509 cm 40
Misure Dimensions 42x4x7 cm
992510 cm 60
Misure Dimensions 62x4x7 cm
Piantana porta salviette a parete
Wall-mounting towel stand
992520/P cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 37x82x4 cm
Porta sapone e bicchiere soap and
tumbler holder
992512 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 25x12x13 cm
Mensola shelf
992513 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 41x4x10 cm
Mensola forata shelf
992514 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 41x4x10 cm
Porta bicchiere Tumbler holder
992501 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 10x12x12 cm
Porta rotolo Toilet roll holder
992504 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 16x4x10 cm
Lampada a muro Wall-mounting light
992205 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 20x3x12 cm
75W - CE - IP20
Porta sapone soap holder
992502 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 15x3x13 cm
Porta dispenser soap dispenser holder
992503 cromo chrome
Misure Dimensions 10x18,5x12 cm