Table of Contents
The Case for Space
04 Creating a Community on Campus
06 Researching Spaces for Human-Centered Learning
28 Student Voices
Learning Space Profles
08 California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, California
42 University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
66 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
12 Informal Learning Spaces
30 Formal Learning Spaces
48 Faculty and Administrative Spaces
74 Index
The Case for Space
Thanks to new tools and technologies, learning now happens
everywhere, at any time. For campuses to remain relevant, they
need to ofer something that cannot be found anywhere else—a
sense of belonging to a community and an experience of learning
enriched through meaningful connections among students,
faculty, and administrators.
At Herman Miller, we want to help you create communities that
draw students and faculty in and help them do their best. Over the
following pages, we demonstrate how our ideas for learning space
designs are coming to life. We hope these insights will inspire you to
make your campus an even better place for your people. When you
are ready to rethink the possibilities for what your campus can ofer,
Herman Miller is here to help.