servomuto in noce Canaletto e pelle con inserto in
onice e pelle, con LED
Valet stand in Canaletto walnut and leather with
onix and leather insert, with LED
cm 49 x 48 x h 123
in 19 1/4 x 19 x h 48 2/4
Servomuto in noce Canaletto e pelle con inserto
in onice e pelle, senza LED
Valet stand in Canaletto walnut and leather with
onix and leather insert, without LED
cm 49 x 48 x h 123
in 19 1/4 x 19 x h 48 2/4
COLLECTION 2024 Technical
Servo-muto composto da due cilindri. Un cilindro
basso h (con asta) 102,5 cm in noce Canaletto
curvato, disponibile nelle finiture naturale (fin. 11),
grigio (fin. 2W) e scuro (fin. 2Z), con piano in
pelle, Pelle Plus o pelle anilina nubuk. Un secondo
cilindro alto di h (con asta) 123 cm rivestito in pelle,
Pelle Plus, pelle anilina nubuk, con top in onice e
bordo leggermente rialzato, disponibile con retro-
illuminazione ed accensione a terra. Asta porta
pantaloni e asta appendiabiti in metallo verniciato
Pewter (fin. 5L), rivestite in pelle antiscivolo, in finitura
Valet composed of two cylinders. One low cylinder
h (with rod) 102,5 / cm 40½ in, bent Canaletto
walnut, available in natural (fin.11), grey (fin.2W)
and dark (fin.2Z) finishes, with top in leather,
Pelle Plus or anilina nubuk leather. The second
tall cylinder of h (with rod) 123 cm | 48½ 48¼ in,
upholstered in leather, Pelle Plus, anilina nubuk
leather, with onyx top and slightly raised edge,
available with backlighting with sensor touch to
swich on the light, placed under the hanging rod.
Trouser rod and suits rod are made of Pewter
painted metal (fin.5L), covered with non-slip leather,
in a defined finish.
Liz-valet Designer: Silvia Musetti