Giellesse Italy Lead time 40 days

Catalogue Giellesse: Catalogue Day Collection, page 97 of 104

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ROY p. 52, 54, 156, 160, 166
Tavolo allungabile con struttura in metallo brunito e top in legno.
Finiture top: laccato opaco, laccato lucido, rovere, rovere termocotto, vetro
laccato opaco, vetro laccato lucido.
Extensible table with burnished aluminum structure and wooden top.
Top finishes: matt lacquered, glossy lacquered, oak, thermo treated oak,
matt lacquered glass, glossy lacquered glass.
EDWARD p. 78, 80, 84, 136, 138, 142
Tavolo fisso con struttura in legno. Top in legno o marmo.
Finitura struttura: rovere tinto.
Finiture top: laccato opaco, rovere tinto, marmo.
Fixed table with wooden structure. Wood or marble top.
Structure finish: oak veneer.
Top finish: matt lacquered, oak veneer, marble.
SIMPLEX p. 104, 106, 108
Tavolo allungabile con struttura in metallo brunito e top in legno.
Finitura: rovere tinto.
Extensible table with wooden structure and top.
Finish: oak veneer.
BURTON p. 24
Tavolo fisso con struttura in legno. Top in legno o marmo.
Finitura struttura: rovere tinto.
Finiture top: rovere tinto, marmo.
Fixed table with wooden structure. Wood or marble top.
Structure finish: oak veneer.
Top finish: oak veneer, marble.
h 73 w 180 d 90
h 73 w 180/240 d 90
h 75 w 180 d 90
h 75 w 160 d 90
h 75 w 180/240 d 90
h 75 w 160/220 d 90
h 73 w 220 d 100
h 73 w 180 d 90
h 73 w 240 d 108
h 73 w 220 d 108
h 73 w 140 d 140
KELL p. 76, 156, 160, 166
Sedia con struttura in metallo verniciato. Scocca imbottita e rivestita in
tessuto o pelle.
Finitura struttura: laccato colore opaco.
Chair with painted aluminum structure. Upholstered seat in fabric or
Structure finish: matt lacquered color.
DORIS p. 24, 52, 54, 78, 80, 82, 84
Sedia con struttura in legno. Scocca imbottita e rivestita in tessuto o pelle.
Finitura struttura: rovere tinto.
Chair with wooden structure. Upholstered seat in fabric or leather.
Structure finish: oak veneer.
CHARLOTTE p. 5, 6, 8, 32, 136, 138, 142
Sedia con struttura in legno. Scocca imbottita e rivestita in tessuto o pelle.
Finitura struttura: rovere tinto.
Chair with wooden structure. Upholstered seat in fabric or leather.
Structure finish: oak veneer.
JOLLY p. 104, 106, 108
Sedia con struttura in legno. Seduta imbottita e rivestita in tessuto o pelle.
Disponibile con o senza braccioli.
Finitura struttura: rovere tinto.
Chair with wooden structure. Upholstered seat in fabric or leather.
Available with or without armrests
Structure finish: oak veneer.
h 82 w 46 d 50
h 81 w 58 d 65
h 81 w 58 d 65
h 82 w 46 d 50
h 93 w 54 d 58